Cinnamon Sugar Bread


There might have been a few times in my life when I’d obsess over a certain ingredient and until I have that one thing I can’t stop thinking about how I want to eat it! I know, that sounded just as creepy when I read that last sentence out loud. But it is true. Don’t judge! In January, I was hit with a cinnamon urge. It just sounded so warm and comfortable perfect for the end of winter. Maybe a slight wish that we were getting snow and needed a yummy warm treat with hot chocolate!

I started my Pinterest quest of finding a fantastic recipe that would solve all my problems. All the pictures looked so delicious, I was getting hungrier every day the search continued. However, I came across a problem. All the recipes I wanted to try had YEAST in them. Oh god, yeast is so scientific. It is so scary and blah! I have only attempted yeast recipes a couple of times and failed miserably. I didn’t know if my ego could take another deflated dough. It said warm water… Is this warm enough? Maybe I should buy a thermometer?…. It said wait an hour and double in size…. Is this double?… Should I measure the original circle?… There is flour everywhere! I decided that it was time. I needed to learn. Every great cook knows how to cook with yeast. Right?

By the time Spring Break rolled around I knew I would have time for a little learning experiment. So I bought A LOT of cinnamon and three yeast packets. I came across this recipe from Joy the Baker.

It sounded easy enough. I followed the recipe exactly. Which is pretty hard for me. I had ideas popping all over the place on how to change it. But I wanted that yummy picture. I also had a HARD time waiting for the dough to rise. But the boys successfully distracted me and I almost forgot about the bread.

It was good. SOOOOOOO freaking good. I might have burned my mouth on the bread from eating it right out of the oven but kept going. I might have ate half the loaf with a little help from the boys. I might have felt sick the rest of the day I didn’t eat lunch or dinner. I might have ate so much in one sitting I have erased the urge for anything cinnamon for quite awhile. Mission complete. I highly suggest that you try this recipe.

I flipped this sucker out of the pan so fast and snapped one shot. Then it was devoured.


If you remember, I said three packets of yeast. Tune in for the next yeasty recipe! I think I might of sparked a new baking urge. 🙂

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