

I have failed to take pictures of any yummy dinners or baked goods. Partially because there were none and because anything I did make, I wasn’t impressed with myself. Hopefully, when summer break is here I will have more time and creative energy for yummy things!

One new project I have started is a backyard garden. I am very new and learning as I go. I have been wanting to do this for a very long time. I have had some potted veggies here and there but nothing to this extent. I have done a little research and have gotten a wide variety of items. I have basically dove in head first!

I have big plans in my head but I want to wait and see how this area goes before I break my back again! We have a lot of “dead space” in our large yard. Besides occupying the dog poop and weeds we have not utilized its potential. I’m thinking raised beds, trellises, fruit trees. A mini oasis! But that is a 5 year plan.

Our soil is a very heavy clay. I have mixed in some sand and compost/manure into the soil. Easter weekend I did the initial tilling. We have lots of rocks! I am unsure of the location because it is next to a tree but I feel like the plants will literally fry to death if I move it into our waste land area. This area stays cooler in the summer and receives the most water when it rains. Also, a big plus, there was nothing growing in this area. No weeds to worry about! This past week I was grocery shopping an noticed all the plants HEB Plus had on clearance and went crazy. This weekend I scoped out Lowes and Hope Depot. I was a little disappointed because it seemed that HEB had a larger vegetable variety. I went ahead and planted some seeds of things I couldn’t find. If they don’t germinate in the next week or so I will do a starter kit inside and then try to transfer them.

I think one of the harder things I will have to deal with is patience. These things don’t sprout over night!


Here is Ethan “helping” in the garden!


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